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100 Days in the Life of a Rose: From Boy to Man
A Strange Journey
through Reality
2042: Rise of the CITYS
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I hope you smiled.
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I hope I am smiling.
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Your individual life experience is uniquely your own. Where you were born, where you lived, your education, your lovers, your employment, etc., are all unique to you. No one can take these experiences away from you.
Reflect on your life experiences to determine if you are making the same mistakes over and over again. Take the time to determine if you are placing a self-perceived limitation on yourself. If your values, norms, opinions, beliefs, and/or ideas, which are based on your life experiences, are limiting who you want to be today and in the future.
Have you reflected on your life experiences and determined you had placed a self-perceived limitation on yourself or someone is trying to impose one on you? If so, congratulations! You are becoming emotionally aware of the influences in your life. However, have you educated yourself on the rules of the box you are currently in?
Every "box" has a set of rules. Learn everything you can to rearrange the one you are in, to create a new "box", and/or to live without any. If you do not know the rules, you cannot complain about never winning in life. This concept applies to all aspects of your life.
You only have one life to live. Why not live it with the Liberty and Freedom to pursue your individual Happiness anyway you want to? Do everything you have to do, to only surround yourself with positive energy. Do not be afraid to rid yourself of negative influences in your life.
Do not try to influence your opinion, belief, and/or idea onto another Human Being; as you would not want someone to do this to you. Be civil and accepting of other Human Beings opinions, beliefs, and/or ideas. Their opinion, belief, and/or idea may be different than yours but the are still a Human Being just like you.
I am not saying there are Aliens, but if there are Aliens; just get it over with already. We know you are there. You know, we know you are there. And if your not there, we apologize for thinking you were.
Influencers want you to drink whatever they can get you to believe. It's keeps you distracted from your life station. Always question what is in the drink being made for you. In fact, always make your own drinks by educating yourself before you make an ass out of u-mption.
Do not try to be someone else because you will fail every time. You are not them. So stop worrying about them and start taking care of yourself. If cannot take care of yourself, how can you take care of someone else?
If you do not like it, please hate me. I am OK with it. I would rather you hate me then hate yourself and/or another Human Being. pleasehateojdaffodil@letsberealisticpeople
For visiting and come again. Multiple...multiple times.
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